WasteCap Trace Recycling Program

Recycling Evolves with WasteCap Tracking System!

At Smet Construction Services today’s recycling effort just got a little easier with the use of the WasteCap Trace system. For those not familiar, WasteCap is a nonprofit industry-supported organization that provides waste reduction and recycling services to businesses. Its mission is to transform waste into resources to benefit businesses and the environment.
In the past, I’ve written how WasteCap helps us to drive out cost by helping to keep materials, especially demolition materials, out of the landfills and to recycle valuable building materials at our jobsites. I’ve mentioned that WasteCap has since its inception in 1998 diverted over 501,000 tons of construction materials from landfills (now up to 550,000 tons). Smet was the first construction management firm to use WasteCap services on all of our jobsites in Wisconsin and we’ve introduced its services to other construction firms.
Well now we can talk about the TRACE system which is an online service that streamlines the tracking system and documentation process. TRACE operates on the cloud and allows businesses to save time calling haulers and tracking numbers and calculating savings results. Projects are tracked on line as you go along which makes it much easier for documenting LEED requirements. It allows you to compare projects to the recycling efforts at other similar projects or to see the progress of all of your projects.
The TRACE system is just another way Smet continues its commitment to incorporate environment-friendly construction methods into our projects.
For more information:
Greg Polacheck, Director of Market Research
[email protected]

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